Our Brand Story

From that day forward I began to see this life as a long messy road trip from one side to the next. People may see the baggage we carry and try to determine how well we are doing and the condition of those suitcases determine how well we have lived or haven’t lived. But truthfully, people are not the filter. Jesus is.” -excerpt from “Billy’s Story

God gave me a dream that took years to fully develop and understand, but with joy I say “Here I am!” (Isaiah 6:8)

Inspired by My Dad’s Story, I am somewhere between the dreaming and the doing on this journey with one goal:

To provide a safe place for Soul Brothers + Sisters in Christ that want to take this trip through life together- in a place to love and not judge one another.

Sometimes our past and our pain make us feel unworthy, and sometimes the people around us confirm that. Maybe we’ve walked through things that changed us, shook up our faith, and broke us down to tiny little pieces and we are rebuilding our lives all alone. Maybe we cried out for help, but never got the response we felt we needed.

If you are in this place, or have been in this place, Broken + Beloved is for YOU.

The hope of Broken + Beloved is to create a community of like-minded believers who support, embrace, encourage, and inspire one another. It is our desire that you connect to the designs we create and the raw and real stories we share. We hope that this place becomes a safe haven for those who need to feel God's love for them.

We want you to see the real beauty in your brokenness and know you are never alone. Where others embrace you, not disgrace you. A place where you are seen.

We have poured our heart into this brand. We hope you feel the love we are sending to you, our beloved Soul Brothers + Sisters in Christ!

So jump on in and join us on this messy journey to healing. This road trip with potholes and speed bumps. Highways that stretch and feel like they have no end. With mountains to climb and oceans to cross. We believe we are all on this journey to heaven and not meant to travel these long, scary roads alone.

We will go with you. And Jesus is driving. (Deuteronomy 31:6)